Sunday, 24 August 2014

The Devil’s Advocate and Modi’s Bar for Pakistan

When we look at the statements emanating from – a) Pakistani Political Parties, media, anti-India activists and groups Like LeT and b) the statements from Congress party, Pakistani sympathisers like Hurriyat Conference and most surprisingly Indian journalists like Karan Thapar etc., we find an uncanny similarity. It puzzles me no end that both of these two constituents have a similar view on Kashmir, which is one of the most important issues in India’s integrity, sovereignty and security.  It is imperative that important political leaders/parties and journalists do not end up benefitting India's adversaries by their irresponsible statements, articles and media discussions.  But, there can’t be more proof of “Pakiphilia (love of Pakistan)” from our anti national, pseudo secular journalists than this article “Modi’s set the bar for talks with Pakistan far too high” by Karan Thapar today in Hindustan Times ( In this article Thapar has criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the NDA Govt. for cancelling the foreign Secy. level bilateral dialogue with Pakistan, which was slated to be held on 25th August’2014, in a tough reaction to Islamabad’s decision to hold talks with Kashmiri separatist Hurriyat leaders which New Delhi described as an “unacceptable” interference in India’s internal affairs. This was after India firmly and unambiguous told Pakistan earlier that it had to choose between "India or Separatists" for talks and the decision as well as consequence was left to them.  Just check below, the ridiculous, outrageous,  anti-India logic and reasoning given by this self-proclaimed “Devil’s Advocate” :-
1. Thapar writes “for what it’s worth, I think Narendra Modi has tied himself in knots. Unfortunately, the outcome is not limited to the realisation the prime minister’s Pakistan policy is confused. It’s also dented the belief he’s made a sure-footed and confident start in government. At least for now, this will affect his image”.
-  Mr.Thapar by which logic you have come to the conclusion that Modi has tied himself in knots, his Pakistan policy is confused and that this will  affect his image? Contrary to your views, this single bold step has actually demonstrated to Pakistan, their supporters & sympathisers in India and to the world that India will talk only on its own terms. For far too long the weak, spineless and cowardly Govt led by Congress party gave in to all kinds of bullying and humiliating tactics/strategy by the Pakistan Govt. and India’s past practice was either ignoring such acts of Pakistan  or issuing perfunctory objections. India has been tolerating Pakistan and its evil design for far too long with patience and magnanimity, which has been attacking and humiliating us at every opportunity. This approach has obviously not worked and our “generosity” has been mistaken as our “weakness”. For a long time, due to incessant appeasement policies of Indian Govt. under Congress rule, Pakistan was taking Indian Govt. and diplomacy for a ride and for granted. It became a ritual for Pakistan to humiliate India every time there was a move by Indian Govt for peace talks or any confidence building measures. Therefore, we only remember, Sharm-Al-Sheikh where then PM Manmohan Singh issued a joint statement in July’2009, merely 8 months after the 26/11 attack or  Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid  taking Pakistani PM Parvez Ashraf for lunch with Biryani, right after Pakistan beheaded our soldiers. Narendra Modi is a  patriot and  would never  tolerate  such acts.
2. Thapar again writes “what Mr Modi overlooked is that the Pakistan high commissioner’s meetings with Hurriyat flow directly from Pakistan’s commitment to moral and diplomatic support for the Kashmiri cause. Therefore to have agreed not to meet Hurriyat would have been tantamount to diluting that commitment. That can only be the outcome of talks. Not the precondition for them”.
– Mr.Thapar are you not ashamed of advocating and justifying Pakistan’s interference and involvement in India’s internal matters? Even if Pakistan might not agree that Kashmir is an internal matter of India, how can you ever imagine as an Indian citizen, to justify such act of that failed terror exporting country? By that same logic would you advocate India’s interference in Balochistan or in Tibet. And even if Pakistan considers it as their “moral and diplomatic duty”, is it India’s responsibility to ensure that Pakistan is able to fulfil  such duty for their political constituency back home even if that directly clashes with India’s pride and interest? For anti-nationals like you, Pakistan can put any pre conditions as per their wishes and even indulge in Kargil or Parliament attack or 26/11 or provide resources/intelligence to the Jihadi terrorists trying to harm India but still India should not put any pre condition and continue such fruitless dialogues.
3. Thapar also writes  “Atal Bihari Vajpayee understood this. That’s why in 2001 he didn’t object when Gen. Pervez Musharraf met Hurriyat the night before the Agra Summit. This is why Indian governments have accepted — even if they have not liked — visiting Pakistani foreign ministers and foreign secretaries meeting Hurriyat every time they come to India. The full truth is it’s been happening since 1995, when President Farooq Leghari first met the Hurriyat during Narasimha Rao’s premiership. In other words it’s been Pakistani policy for two decades”.
- Mr.Thapar Nawaz Sharif was right when he made his famous "Dehati Aurat" comment - Pakistani govt. is 'Jehadi' and Indian govt. & its response is 'Dehati'. The reason for  our this helpless state is due to past leadership paralysis and lacunae in decision making in our Govt.  All the strong nations of the world are able to exert tremendous pressure on their enemy essentially because they have strong leadership that hold tremendous decision making ability. Modi showed his good will towards Pakistan by inviting Nawaz Sharif for his swearing-in ceremony but he also believes that Pakistan needs to reciprocate beyond just token statements and by actual action on the ground. Under Modi this is a different and resurgent India. This Modi Govt is not going to make life easier for Pakistani Govt and its army by showing weak kneed gestures. Now it’s as much responsibility of Pakistan to have a good bilateral relationship. India is no more going to carry that burden alone even if Pakistan engages in all kinds of tactics, against India’s integrity, security and also national pride.
4. Thapar goes on to write  “in contrast, the Modi government believes the precedent set in May, when Nawaz Sharif didn’t meet Hurriyat, should have continued. I’m afraid that was too much to expect…. And the reason is simple. The Indian side claims it advised or warned Mr Sharif against meeting Hurriyat in May but in agreeing not to do so he was not giving up Pakistan’s traditional policy but simply making a one-off gesture….Had he come for a more substantive visit he would have definitely met Hurriyat. The Indian side clearly read too much into this one aspect of the May visit. But that’s their fault. They had no reason to believe Mr Sharif had set a precedent that amounted to diluting — leave aside giving up — a critical element of Pakistan’s well-established policy”.
– So Mr.Thapar, Pakistan has the liberty to continue their “traditional policy” for their own good and can chose to observe or halt it as per its wishes. But you don’t believe that India has such right and must continue with its faulty and mindless Pakistan appeasement traditional policy even if a new, strong Govt has come in. And if the new Modi Govt tries to correct such practices and put Pakistan in its place (which Indian Govt should have done long back), you shamelessly feel that “it was too much to expect from Pakistan” and Indian Govt is at fault. Pakistan needs to realize that there is a severe price to be paid for the dangerous game it has been playing with India. This Indian Govt under Modi believes in giving befitting reply to Pakistan for all its misadventures.  Also, this Indian govt. doesn’t believe that our pampering of Pakistan with “acts of kindness” which we have been doing for last 68 years and indulging in our “Aman Ki Asha” projects, would make Pakistan change heart and become our best friend & neighbour.  This Govt’s national policy is of  zero tolerance on border, terror and Kashmir.
5. Thapar says “the fact the Modi government jumped to the wrong conclusion suggests two things. Either it overestimates its capacity to enforce new conditions on a politically troubled, if not enfeebled, Pakistani prime minister or it simply hasn’t clearly thought through what signals it’s sending out”.  
- Mr.Thapar,  this Modi Govt knows very well that the real defence and foreign policy of Pakistan including the final strategy and authority is a hostage of  Pak army & ISI and the diplomatic missions in India are nothing but ISI branches. However, India can’t be apologetic for their choices. If their army or ISI does not allow Nawaz Sharif to function in their true national interest, it is frankly their problem. We have been holding talks with Pakistan for so many years, but still there is no result and our citizens are getting killed by acts of Pakistan. Why? It shows that the leaders, whom we are talking to in Pakistan are either not serious in improving relations with India or are not capable or influential enough to convince the state of Pakistan to stop acts of terrorism. What is then the use of having talks with such powerless leaders who are not the real masters so far as Indo-Pak relations are concerned? Therefore, peace talk with Pakistan will go on without any result.  So India was wasting it’s time and resources and rather agree to peace talks only when all the three parties – Army/ISI, political leadership and terrorists - come together. Also, India should refuse talks with Pakistan on any issue, unless Pakistan declares and proves on the ground that it would stop terrorism as a state policy and stop using terrorists as strategic asset.  Pakistan must realize the ramifications of crossing the line.
 6. Thapar lastly said  “four key points are worth making about India’s decision to call off talks after the Pakistani high commissioner met Hurriyat. First, this might have made sense in the 1990s, when Hurriyat was powerful. Not in 2014, when it’s diminished. Now, paradoxically, it could build up Hurriyat’s image in Kashmiri eyes. Second, if the government is speaking the truth when it says the Hurriyat meeting — and not the ceasefire violations — scuppered the talks, that suggests a bizarre conclusion: Mr Modi can live with Pakistan shooting our soldiers on the LoC but cannot accept the high commissioner serving tea to Hurriyat! Third, by making not meeting Hurriyat the condition for future talks Mr Modi has probably set the bar so high talks will not be possible or, at least, easy to schedule. Finally, this could have wider ramifications throughout our neighbourhood. If they view this as bullying they’re unlikely to welcome it. Worse, it could create a few doubts about Mr Modi himself”.
- Mr.Thapar, Hurriyat doesn’t represent Kashmiri people. It has been propped, funded and supported by Pakistan for its own interest. They are separatist and against Indian constitution and therefore, no self-respecting nation can recognize and allow them to operate. If the successive Govts failed to understand and act on them, that was a historical blunder and needs to be corrected rather than continued. Hurriyat was neither powerful nor diminished – they just work as proxy of Pakistan and the terrorists as and when they have been asked by Pakistan. They are dictating terms to Kashmiri politicians, administration and also the people by threat from their masters i.e. Pakistan and the terrorists. Some of the members of Hurriyat like Yashin Malik are ex terrorists themselves and are now part of this over ground mouth piece of the terror organizations because he has been rendered physically useless by Indian army’s actions. Ceasefire violation by Pakistan is not new and was happening inspite of many rounds of dialogues and confidence building measures by India. This shows that either Pakistani army is not under control of Pakistan Govt or Pakistani govt is not interested in good neighbourly relationship with India. There are not historical facts or logic to prove that “India-Pakistan talk” would result in halt to such ceasefire violation at border or terrorist acts inside India by Pakistan. Therefore, by blaming Modi Govt for such act of Pakistan, you are actually justifying Pakistan’s such heinous act of unprovoked firing and killing of innocent civilians. Rather India should retaliate massively by firing back at Pakistan so heavily and killing their army as well as civilians that Pakistan thinks twice before engaging in such misadventures again. India needs to prepare for a full and final war as an answer to Pakistan’s act of terrorising India by various means. This is the only solution because the ‘avoid-confrontation policy’ of India has, so far, proved to be ineffective against Pakistan’s state sponsored aggressions. India needs to stop the peace charades, confidence building measures, cultural, sporting, economic ties and stop deluding ourselves that we are not at war with Pakistan (which we are for the last 68 years).  If the bar for Pakistan to reciprocate has been set high, so be it. It’s never too high considering India’s interest and pride. Pakistan needs to feel the pain of their uncivilized acts. We must also stop denying one of the fundamental truths of our relationship with Pakistan – the problem we are facing today is more a creation of our “inactions” of last 68 years, than the “actions” of Pakistan.  It is a misconception that a “strong & stable” Pakistan is in our interest. This artificially created state out of our own body with full of hatred for us and with an antithetical self-definition, has caused untold miseries for India.  Such a state can never ever be either friendly or beneficial for India. Like the USA’s objective with a similar “monster-state” called USSR, our long term objective and interest is the negation of this state for our own benefit.  And each of our neighbours not only need to respect us but also fear us for our capability to retaliate for any of their actions causing harm to India or Indian citizens.  They should be made to realize that India can’t be taken for granted or bullied.  There is no glory in being humiliated.
I really wonder if Mr. Karan Thapar is in the payroll of Pakistan Govt./Army/ISI. Does Indian democracy give license for senseless journalism? Is not he bartering national security by aiding & abetting the disruptive forces of terrorism & their sympathisers by writing such article with traitorous facts and logic? People like Karan Thapar are Indians but only in name. They are no more than mercenaries whose single-point agenda is to destabilise India and break India into smithereens. RSN Singh, a former military intelligence officer who later served in the RAW said that the ISI has been funding journalists in India. In the intelligence circles, the Pakistan & the ISI connection of some of the news channels & journalists are too well known. Journalists like Thapar are engaged in deep conspiracy against India and they see this Modi Govt. as a major hurdle in their goal of helping Pakistan annexing Kashmir, divide India into many parts on religious lines to complete Pakistan’s unfinished agenda of Hyderabad, Junagarh, UP, Bihar and many others parts. Hence, they are trying to confuse Indian public about Modi Govt’s actions and create anti Modi sentiments by  such articles. Anybody who is sympathetic to Pakistan or its actions can’t be a true Indian and they are a threat to our sovereignty, integrity and security. Mr.Karan Thapar you are a “Devil’s Advocate” in the true sense of the term.

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