Saturday, 27 September 2014

The Armageddon of Narendra Modi

The landing of the “Air India One” at the John F Kennedy airport in New York today carrying Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, marks the culmination of a sad era for the so called “Secular” activists, intellectuals, media and politicians of India. These “secular saints” are already disgusted that a man against whom they run the most virulent hate campaign, earlier won a free and fair election with a thumping majority in a country whose “pseudo-secular, left-democratic and minority-pampered liberal” traditions preached and practiced by these elements as “nationalism” have been consigned to flame in the “Ghats of Varanasi” by the very man named Narendra Damodardas Modi. But even after this they have not stopped their “hate Modi” campaign and using every opportunity in any national or international public platform to ridicule, dismiss and belittle the good works started by Modi in every sphere of governance in the last about 3 months in power. They want India and the world to doubt and find fault in his every intention, word and action. They are also indulging in unsolicited advice and suggestions, which are actually disguised pitfall for him.
Therefore, they criticized him when he invited heads of SAARC nations to his swearing in ceremony, they criticized him during his visit to Bhutan, Nepal, BRICS summit and Japan, they criticized him after his address to the nation during Independence Day, Teachers Day and his “Make in India” campaign and continuing their campaign against his visit to the UN General Assembly summit in New York alongwith USA visit starting today. These "sickularists" are trying all options including filling a court case (which has no impact on a PM of any country as per US & international law) against Modi, paid demonstrations in collaboration with Teeshta Setalwads of the world, discussing in media more about how some inconsequential US analysts are still sceptical about his economic agenda & reform policies (incidentally S&P has raised India's rating today from “negative” to “stable”), and more importantly how India's refusal for the Secy. level talks have given the Na-Awaz Na-Sharif Pakistani PM the opportunity to raise Kashmir issue in UNGA (as if in last 10 years when we had so many "biryani level" talks, Pak never raised this in UN and other international forum). They are also advising Modi that India being the big brother, should show magnanimity towards Pakistan and help Nawaz Sharif domestically by not rebutting him very hard tomorrow at UN and resuming the composite dialogue with Pakistan. In their arrogance, these “secular saints” tend to forget that India is larger and wiser than their blind faith in some false beliefs which lack rational understanding. Modi doesn't need any of their suggestions and advices, as he would do what he deems fit and upholds the dignity & pride of India.
The sight of thousands of people gathered to welcome Modi, infront of his New York hotel with chants of “Har, Har Modi” with placards displaying 'We love Modi', 'America loves Modi', messages must be most disappointing and sad moments of their life for these “secular saints”. But there are more in store for them from tomorrow as on 27th Sept, after paying his tribute at the 9/11 memorial in New York, Modi will address the 69th annual session of UN General Assembly at the UN HQ, which will be televised live not only in India but all over the world. After this Prime Minister Modi will drive down to the historic Central Park to address the annual “Global Citizens Initiative”, which aims at building a sustainable world community. On 28th Sept, he will address a crowd of more than 20,000 including many US Congressmen, corporate heads and prominent thinkers from 48 American States and 5 Canadian provinces - at the Madison Square Garden, with several thousand people watching him live at the iconic Times Square. This will be the largest gathering ever in Medison Square Garden to listen to a foreign leader. On 29th Sept, Modi will have a meeting with top American CEOs, majority of whom are from Fortune 200 and almost all of them from Fortune 500 list, thus reflecting the new energy and enthusiasm about India among the top American corporates. This will be followed by US President Barak Obama hosting a rare private dinner for PM Modi at the White House to establish a personal relationship with the Indian leader ahead of summit talks the next day. On 30th Sept, Obama and Modi will have bilateral discussions as to how Indo-US ties can be taken to a "new level" in the interest of the two countries as well as of the world.
Narendra Modi is a leader with a vision and penchant for action. Throughout his career, Modi has displayed a remarkable consistency in both ideology and political rhetoric and therein lies the secret of the huge support he attracts. Modi enjoys tremendous advantage over his political and ideological rivals as his supporters have no apprehensions about his true ideological beliefs, intent and ability though these “sickularist liberals” want India and the world to believe, that the “Third Reich” is on the anvil with constant invocation of Hitler imagery. Modi has relentlessly pursued the halo of “India First” with restoration of balance in governance by practicing true secularism and working for a developed “Shrestha Bharat”. Modi is winning hearts and minds in India and world over on his own "Terms and Conditions". And that is the bottom line. Modi’s detractors should now realize that post 16th May'2014, this is a different India and Modi's Govt. has thrown the apologetic & submissive foreign, defence, economic and social policies of earlier Govts. to the “Nehruvian Graveyard”. The world now has to get used to this new, resurgent “Modified” India that has stopped bending backward.

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